we createmarketing campaign worldsindoors
For the foreseeable future, on-location photo shoots will be very limited or completely impossible. So, how can you produce equally comparable marketing campaign photos? Our 4,500 sqm. studio, sometimes with a little more or a little less set building, provides the environment to realise highly emotional shoots. “All” that is required is some creativity, ideas, a set building setup, the right props, space and a team that, for 25 years, has staged fashion and lifestyle products for brands such as adidas, Hugo Boss, G-Star, Esprit, about you, Deichmann, and many others.

Our creative art direction and photography team is waiting to show you a cache of over 1,000 ideas and options with mood boards that meet your needs. Focusing on your specific requirements, we further refine these using our wealth of props and backgrounds until everything becomes your very own marketing campaign environment.

We produce photos and films for every channel, whereby even multiple sets and themes can be brought to fruition at the same time. Our in-house post-production facilities ensure the final outcome is perfect.

When doing a shoot indoors, so much can be achieved with little time and effort. Saving on travel expenses is a major boost to cutting budget expenses in particular. Fundamentally speaking, the marketing campaign can be adjusted to suit any marketing budget.